Auto Insurance in Utah
Despite the challenges that come with owning and operating a vehicle, Christensen Insurance Group of Sandy, UT has better solutions for vehicle owners. Our agency provides lot of insurance services that can truly help our customers. You can select a specific coverage suited to your lifestyle. Our policies are customized to serve your specific needs.
Insuring your car will protect you from financial loss if you are ever involved in an auto accident. An auto insurance policy is essentially an agreement between yourself and your insurance company that provides you with financial protection. These coverages are divided into bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, collision, comprehensive, uninsured and underinsured motorists coverages.
Bodily Injury Liability
Bodily injury liability will pay for the other party’s medical bills if you are considered at fault in an accident. It is usually broken up into two numbers. The first amount is the most your policy will pay for a single person’s medical bills. The second amount is the most it will pay for everyone’s medical. An example you might find on your policy could be $100,000/$300,000, or it might look like $100/$300. Both of these would pay out $100,000 for a single person’s medical bills and $300,000 for the entire accident. If you opt for the minimum liability coverage, be careful‐ the amount you purchase may not completely cover the other party’s medical bills which could result in a lawsuit. Buying more than the state required minimum will protect your assets, such as your home, vehicles and savings accounts.
Property Damage Liability
Property damage liability coverage covers the damage you cause to another person’s property. Again, this will be when you are at fault in an accident. This coverage will pay to fix or replace the other party’s vehicle. This coverage also includes damage to lamp posts, telephone poles, buildings, fences, or other structures you may hit.
Medical Payments
Medical payments (or personal injury protection) pay for the medical attention to the driver and passengers of the vehicle you are driving, regardless of who is at fault.
Depending on the amount of coverage you choose, medical payments coverage can cover medical costs, lost wages, and possible funeral costs.
Collision coverage covers damage to your car that results from a collision with another vehicle or object. This type of coverage also covers your car against damage from potholes, or if it flips over. You can choose a relatively low deductible or a high one‐ but keep in mind that a lower deductible will result in a higher premium.
Comprehensive coverage will pay to fix or replace your vehicle if your car is stolen or is damaged by something other than a collision with another car or object (i.e. fire, falling objects, explosions, hail, vandalism, etc.). Comprehensive insurance will also reimburse you if your windshield is cracked or shattered. Some companies offer glass coverage with or without a deductible.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage
If you are hit by an uninsured driver or are the victim of a hit and run accident, uninsured motorist coverage will reimburse you for your medical bills. Underinsured motorist coverage will pay for your medical bills when the driver that hit you does not have sufficient liability coverage.