Owning a boat is both a great pleasure and a big responsibility. Whether you should let other people drive your boat is a matter that needs careful consideration. Your insurance covers liability for someone who has permission to drive your boat. At Christensen Insurance Group in Sandy, UT, we help our clients acquire boat insurance to cover unexpected events that may occur.
Driving A Boat Is Different Than Driving A Car
A boat on the water has a different feel than driving a car on the road. The movement of the water creates instability while driving the boat. Turning is more gradual. Stopping requires some forethought and calculation. In addition, the channels are not well marked, and directional information is very limited. All these factors can make driving a boat more hazardous.
What To Consider Before Allowing Another Person To Drive Your Boat
Part of your responsibility as a boat owner is to determine whether someone else is able to safely handle your boat. An individual who is under driving age may not have the judgment or experience to make good decisions about managing the unique capabilities of a boat. Someone who is under the influence of a substance should never be allowed to drive a boat. A stranger whose abilities or judgment you don’t know should not be allowed to drive your boat without you being on hand to supervise.
Choose Christensen Insurance Group For Your Boat Insurance in Sandy, UT
You may have many questions about boat insurance and what it covers. Our agents are happy to provide answers with detailed information that suits your unique situation. We offer many types of insurance for homes, autos, classic cars, motorcycles, RVs, renters, and for businesses. Contact Christensen Insurance Group in Sandy, UT today for a no-obligation quote on boat insurance to ensure you are protected against unexpected boating incidents.